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Drive to $10 Million Fundraising Campaign

The Community Foundation of Portage & District (CFPD) is celebrating our 25th Anniversary in 2019. It has been 25 years of working with donors to grow our Endowment Fund to over $8.4 million dollars and since 1996 we have gifted back to our community grants totaling over $2.5 million.  


Each year CFPD works with non-profit organizations, program coordinators and other groups to allocate thousands of dollars back into our community. However, each year we receive almost three times the dollar amount of requests than we are able to provide. Community groups tell us this need due to increased costs and limitations to public & private funding.


In order to facilitate these rising demands, CFPD has launched a 25th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign to grow our endowment fund, and in turn increase our support for the community.


Our goal is to reach $10 million invested in our endowment fund which could see over $400,000 given back to non profit organizations, programs and initiatives annually.


We would appreciate your consideration of making a donation, commemorating our 25th Anniversary, and helping us reach our goal of $10 million. Any gift, large or small, is greatly appreciated and will continue to make a difference now and forever.




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